Join Just-Tech at LSC’s Innovations in Technology Conference!

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Held from January 12th to January 14th, 2021the Legal Services Corporation’s (LSC) Innovations in Technology Conference will be held in a virtual setting this year. It brings together a broad range of professionals to showcase technology projects and tools being implemented across the country and internationally to promote access to justice and high-quality legal representation for low-income people. The conference also provides an opportunity to network with a community of colleagues. 

During this year’s conference, members of the Just-Tech team will be participating in a number of presentations such as (see below for further detail): 

  • Making Legal Aid Stronger: What Can We Learn From COVID-19?
  • Why You Need Tech at the Table During Strategic Planning
  • Hot Tech Topics for Finance Management: Paperless Accounting
  • Taming(Microsoft)Teams 
  • Multi-Factor Authentication

There are also a number of other very interesting and informative sessions on wide range of topics that promise to make this year’s conference a great success. 


Making Legal Aid Stronger: What Can We Learn From COVID-19? 

Panelists in this session, facilitated by Just-Tech’s President, John Greiner, will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of continuing to leverage technology-based approaches adopted out of pandemic necessity that have shown promise in making legal service delivery much more efficient. 

Why You Need Tech at the Table During Strategic Planning 

In this session, Just-Tech’s Director of Client Services, Michael Hernandez, will facilitate a discussion on the importance of leadership awareness of the implications of technology adoption and optimization. Remote/mobile work has transformed every home into a law office. It requires smart application of the right technology to deliver on a program’s mission in this new environment. Panelists will discuss the need for executives and stakeholders to understand the implications of selection, implementation, training and maintenance of the technology as a fundamental pillar for success. 

Hot Tech Topics for Finance Management: Paperless Accounting 

The need to work from home has made it challenging for finance departments to manage payments and other processes that are still, at least in part, paper-based. Just-Tech’s Director of Consulting, Anna Steele, will facilitate a discussion highlighting the adoption of electronic accounts payable systems and processes, as well as ideas on how to optimize their use.  

Taming (Microsoft) Teams 

The ‘Wild West’ of Microsoft Teams collaboration can make it difficult to find, organize, manage and avoid costly duplication when using the tool. In this presentationJust-Tech’s Director of Consulting, Anna Steele, discusses approaches for optimizing the use of Teams including ways to organize channels and groups in order to avoid duplication, as well as ideas for enhancing usage of the integrated SharePoint functionality.   

Multi-Factor Authentication 

As legal services providers invest in cloud and on-premises technology to support their organizational goals, it is important to consider security in light of new and constantly evolving threats. During this presentation, Just-Tech’s Director of Engineering, Joseph Melo, will cover the need for multi-factor authentication and how, at a minimum, the free multifactor authentication (MFA) tools from Microsoft and Google should be employed to protect associated services and data.  


In addition to the presentations and panels, ITC 21 will also have networking sessions and affinity groups for attendees to meet, connect, and discuss and share topics of interest.  We plan on participating in as many of those as we can, and look forward to meeting some of you virtually during those sessions as well.

It’s not too late to register for the ITC21 conference. Visit the conference home page for more information or to register. Please reach out to us via Twitter at @Just_Tech_LLC or email us at if you would like to connect during the conference.  

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